
Contact Us

We are an online store We cannot help with problems with items that were purchased elsewhere and we cannot help find other stores that sell the products that we sell.

We are an online store and not the manufacturer of the products we sell and we do not refund or replace products purchased from other stores. If you have an issue with a product that was purchased elsewhere please contact the merchant who sold you the product or the manufacturer.
1185 Campbell Avenue Unit H8
San Jose, CA 95126


Phone & Text Messages: 1-408-634-8361 (VOICEMAIL ONLY)

If you have questions or a customer service issue, the fastest way to reach us is to email us at Please mention your order number and the date you ordered in your email.

We do not have a dedicated customer service phone staff and we respond much faster to emails. You can leave a voicemail at 408-634-8361; however, we will respond much faster if you email or text message us. Please mention your order number and the date you ordered in your voicemail.

We do not accept orders by phone. All orders must be placed on our web site.



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